Tuesday, February 26, 2008

St. Louis Parish Exclusion?

The Save St. John of Rochester blog just posted an interesting story regarding St. Louis Church in Pittsford, N.Y., refusing the registration of new parishioners from neighboring communities whose schools are closing. Is this simply a courtesy to ensure that families can remain in their home parishes while their children attend St. Louis School, or a protectionist approach that will divide an already fractured Catholic schools system?

Read the SaveSJR blog story here, or link directly to the St. Louis parish bulletin with the article.


Anonymous said...

It sounds like Fr. Kevin is trying to help Good Shepard and St. John's. From past experience, everyone in the Diocese knows that the family follows the children. That's why the parishes that lose their schools suffer. I don't agree with him, but it's just another ridiculous response by the Diocese to our legitimate concerns.

abc123 said...

In response to anonymous said & more - Unfortunately, it does not feel like 'help'. It sounds like St Louis is being forced to accept children from these closing schools(and they cherry pick among the applicants!) but certainly not welcoming them. When the families of these children are excluded from worship with their new friends it sounds less Christian every day! Agreed it will be devastating to the parishes losing schools. The Bishop has yet to recognize the short sightedness of his decision.