Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The End of the Line

Barring any unforeseen circumstances, this will be the last post on the Sad Saga. The students, parents, faculty and staff of the affected schools have moved on, yet will never forget both the joys of their experiences and the sorrows of the manner in which their schools were shuttered. Thank you, and God bless.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

News 10 NBC: $3.2 Million to Close Catholic Schools

News 10 NBC obtained the 2007-2008 MCCS Financial Statements that we posted here on Sunday, and filed the following report regarding the $3.2 million spent to close area Catholic schools last year. True to form, the DOR issued a statement that it preferred not to discuss this issue.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

MCCS 2008 Financial Statements Posted

MCCS has posted its 2008 financial statements, which includes showing charges for the school closures. It's interesting reading, giving just a small glimpse inside the workings of the system.